I would like to Share Another Money Laundering Scam with My readers. I recently joined Badoo to make new friends. Once more I met two Guys using Profile Pictures of other people, reflecting driving expensive cars, luxury houses and wealthy life style to display a very Rich Life Style. They both declare their undying loveContinue reading “BADOO MONEY LAUNDERING SCAM REVEILED”


I would like to Share the following with my Readers. A Man got married last year. After one year he started suspecting his Wife having an affair with someone else from outside. He then Installed a CCTV Camera in the Sitting Room and in their Bedroom, without the knowledge of his Wife. He then wentContinue reading “CCTV IN SITTING ROOM”


Online Dating Sites and Fake Scam Money Laundering Syndicates: I would like to share once more ANOTHER DISCOVERY Regarding Online Dating Sites. Recently I joined another Dating Site Called Badoo. Copy and Paste like Netlog. They both are full of FAKE People. Indeed I was playing with My BlackBerry Phone beginning of March 2013, whenContinue reading “ONLINE DATING AND FAKE MONEY LAUNDERING”


FUNNY JOKES: I would like to share some short, but funny jokes with my Readers. A. Intelligence Son: “Dad where did I get my Intelligence from?” Dad: “You probably got it from your Mom, because I still have mine!” Wow Lol poor Kid! B. Cancer A Man was dying of Cancer, but keeps telling peopleContinue reading “FUNNY JOKES”


APPOINTMENT OF SECRETARY: I would like to share a very funny story with My Beloved Readers. A Man came home from work late and said to his Wife, “I have been given a Huge Promotion at Work, which means I get my Own Office and get to Employ My Own Secretary.” Wife says, “Well pleaseContinue reading “APPOINTMENT OF SECRETARY”


<a MOBILE PHONE SERVICES: I would like to share some Funny NAMES some SMART PARENTS gave their Children. Ever since Independence and Mobile Phone Services were introduced, some smart parents have named their children after some of the Terms used by Mobile Service Providers. According to Home Affairs Stats some of the children born fromContinue reading “MOBILE PHONE SERVICES”


PRAYER FOR SPECIAL NEEDS: I would like to share a funny story with my Readers: Sunday Morning A Preacher said, “Anyone with ‘Special Needs’ who wants to be Prayed Over, please come forward to the front of the Altar.” With that, John got in line and when it was his turn the Preacher asked, “John,Continue reading “PRAYER FOR SPECIAL NEEDS”


  SYSTEM ERROR! I would like to share a funny joke with my Beloved Readers. A Woman was having sex with her Lover in her Apartment, 20 storeys high. Suddenly she heard her Husband arrived. She told the Lover,”Stay like a Statue and not to move”. Husband: “Who is this?” Wife: “This is a Robot i bought to have sex withContinue reading “SYSTEM ERROR”


New Teacher’s First Day At School. I would like to share a funny story with my Beloved Readers. Student: “Sir, if I Mix  and Surf, will there be Foam?” Teacher: “Of course, there will be Foam! What A Stupid Question so early in the Morning?” Student: Whispering to his Classmate, “We didn’t even Add Water, butContinue reading “NEW TEACHER’S FIRST DAY AT SCHOOL”

A HEALING SERVICE I would like to share a funny story with my Readers. Granny and Grandpa were Watching A Healing Service on TV. The Evangelist called to all who wanted to be healed to place one hand on the TV and the other hand on the body part that needed to be healed. Granny stood and wentContinue reading “A HEALING SERVICE”