Daily Devotion

Daily Devotion Always remember that Sorrow may Endure for a Night, but if you Hold on, Joy will follow in the Morning! God Love You! To Prove it, He’s made all the beauties and pleasure of nature for you to Enjoy! Take Note: Happiness comes from within your heart, not from your surroundings! Lastly: RememberContinue reading “Daily Devotion”

Fun and Laughter

Fun and Laughter A Policeman on his Night Duty Rounds saw a Skeleton running in the street with his Tombstone under his arms! The Policeman was very shocked and ran after the skeleton! The skeleton ran straight into the Shebeen/Bar and joined the noisy party to the fullest! After a while the Policeman entered theContinue reading “Fun and Laughter”


Encouragement Do you Feel Weary and Burdened with Life? Give the Load to God and let Him handle it. He is Strong enough and He hears your Prayers. He is always Ready to Help you! A Word of Encouragement is as Refreshing as a Cold Drink on a Hot Summer Day! Thinking Positive; it’s goodContinue reading “Encouragement”